10 Hilarious Date Ideas That Will Leave You in Stitches
Looking for a date idea that is sure to make you and your significant other laugh? Check out our list of the 10 funniest date ideas! These ideas are sure to get you out of any dating rut, and will leave you with some great memories. Whether you want to break some silly world records hunt or write your very own rap song, we have got you covered. So get ready to have some fun!
Silly world records
Try to break silly world records together, like who can fit the most marshmallows in their mouth, who can stand on one leg the longest or who can eat the most smarties in 60 seconds using chopsticks. You will be sure to have a good time, and maybe even set a new world record!
Blind portraits
Challenge yourselves to draw each other's portraits with your eyes closed. Take 10 minutes each before revealing your masterpieces. Could it proudly hang in the Tate Modern? Or maybe just the fridge might do for now…
Minute to win it
Minute to win it games are always a good time, and you can do them right in your living room. There is a huge variety of games to choose from online, like who can stack the most pennies in one minute, or who can balance the most books on their head.
Aerobics workout with 'Zumba Class' YouTube channel is a must. If you don’t get abs from the exercise you will definitely get abs from laughing.
B cake
Make a cake together, but with one catch - you can only use ingredients that start with the letter 'B'. See what kind of bizarre cake you end up with!
Movie chat
Have a conversation using only movie quotes or songs only. See how long you can keep it up!
Rap song
Write a rap lyrics together about your relationship to the tune of your favourite rap song. Bonus points for filming yourselves performing it!
Scavenger hunt
Plan multiple rounds of scavenger hunt at your home, in various categories. For example, find as many yellow things in the house as you can in 3 minutes.
Comedy club
Nothing better than being entertained all evening by the professionals. Bonus points for sitting in the first row and being part of the show!
Water gun fight
Who said water fights were for kids only? Let totally and completely lose in a garden on a hot day and just enjoy yourselves.
Be sure to keep it light-hearted and don't take things too seriously. If you’re looking for more date ideas, make sure to check out these 110 printable date cards for some inspiration and our other dates available online. Happy dating!
What are your favourite hilarious date ideas? Let us know in the comments below!